Thursday 14 July 2011

last night was pretty bad.
spent hours wrestling with my computer trying to upload photos. ugh. trust technology...

then... two spiders paid me a visit. Mind you, they weren't big or anything. They don't have to be.
I was up all night, until I ended up sleeping curled up in the middle of my bed until just before 6am, at which time I promptly relocated to the living room sofa for a nice 5 hour sleep... interrupted.

Anyway, for once I actually remember one of my dreams!
Hmm, it was about the plane I'm going on in less than two weeks... and something bad was going to happen to it.. was pretty worrying. And then I had another dream I was in the park or something for a picnic. Lovely.

Ashhhh Harry Potter is out in about 10 minutes or so. I know people are going to some midnight showing. As for me, I've my tickets booked for this Saturday night...
Still debating whether to dress up or not. I probably won't bother, sadly.

Anyway, watched The Glee Project today, as well as Teen Wolf and Torchwood:Miracle Day.
a) Yay for Northern Ireland!
b) Getting a bit hooked on this thing.
c) AHHHHHH! Welcome back Captain Jack. Oh gosh how I've missed Torchwood. The only thing that would make it better would be if Ianto was still alive... ;/

Wednesday 13 July 2011

I wasn't planning on it...
But I did go out bowling tonight after all. As part of a group of ten girls :)
Guess who won? But, yes, there were bumpers.
So a nice night of McD's, bowling and then we went to Loughshore Park, which I've never been to. But the children's play area is pretty awesome there.
How I wish we had climbing frames and stuff like that when I was that age...

It hasn't been a bad week. A bit of a strange week.

Not to mention, Ballyclare made the news this week... for rioting on Saturday night, sadly.
Second in UK news only to the News of the World Scandal.
And the 12th was yesterday.. I was kept up in the early hours due to the drums around the bonfires on its eve... yay! Not.

Otherwise, nothing really at all to mention...

Saturday 9 July 2011

So, Malta...

Yes, Malta.

How could I even begin to describe that week in Malta?
It wasn't bad, it was good, yeah, it was fine. It was okay?
Do they even all mean the same thing?

Basically, yeah I enjoyed myself for the most part.
Though burning myself, is not enjoyable. The heat was ... just wow.

There were some pretty pictures of course.
McDonald's was crazy, drivers were crazy, queues were just nonexistent.

What else is there to say?

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Relax And Shop

Sitting here in Belfast International Airport with a Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate :)
Heh at least we're on time.

Seeing a lot of people with matching group tshirts...

Monday 27 June 2011

Something Else...

...oh, yeah.
And I have to be at the airport in 12 hours.
HA. And I'm still wasting time, awake.

'twas a jolly good day.

So met Miss Natalie at 10:30am outside the library, bright and early.
We wandered about the school for some time in some state of nostalgia until the time came for us to go get our yearbooks and hoodies. Sure, all that was great.
Saw Sarah too, and for the first time in three years, the lovely Tasha. Then a wonderful lunch of paninis and chips down in Ashers filled us up nice and good.

Then bade farewell to the girlies and Paul hahahah.
For the rest of the day, at least until 4pm, was with Natalie all around Ballyclare, from the library to the park...

I love this: it's simply adorable! And she's wearing her new hoodie too!

Sunday 26 June 2011


So unfortunately, the lunch date was cancelled.
Jet lag, thank you very much.

Still, good day at church

and two days til Malta!
Started packing too!
School tomorrow of course, the real first time I'll see Miss Crawford.

Gotta go, watching Five-0 ;)